About the Book
Eric Metaxas woke up slumbering Christians with his bestselling Letter to the American Church. In the inspiring sequel, Religionless Christianity (Salem Books, April 2024), he will spur them on with the prophetic words of the martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who appealed to Christians not to “practice” their faith but to live it.
“The remarkable response to Letter to the American Church has given me tremendous hope that many in the American church are eager to repent of their ‘mission drift’ into ‘faith without works’ and ‘silence in the face of evil’ and to chart the biblical way forward. We have to understand what God wants us to do right now, before it’s too late,” says Metaxas.
Like the German church of the 1930s, today’s American church has settled into the merely “religious” faith of Sunday mornings, a counterfeit Christianity that is impotent in the face of evil. The acclaimed biographer of Bonhoeffer, Metaxas draws on the words and deeds of the anti-Nazi hero to show why we must live our faith in every sphere of life. Our times demand nothing less than the vibrant and courageous faith of historical Christianity.
“There is real hope and a reason to be excited about what lies ahead if we do what God asks of us,” says Metaxas. “If we understand where we have gone wrong and rediscover our duty to live out our faith adventurously and fearlessly, God can not only turn things around but can use His people to change the world for His purposes in history.”
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The Religionless Christianity Study Guide is now available! Click here for more details and to order your copy today!