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Is Atheism Dead?

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About the Book

Is Atheism Dead? is a highly entertaining, impressively wide-ranging, and decidedly provocative answer to that famous 1966 TIME cover that itself provocatively asked “Is God Dead?” In a voice that is by turns witty, muscular, and poetic, Metaxas echoes C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton in cheerfully and logically making his case, along the way presenting breathtaking—and sometimes astonishing—new evidence and arguments against the idea of a Creatorless universe. Taken all together, he shows that much we have assumed about the biggest questions of human existence is in fact dramatically outdated — and is therefore in need of the most urgent reevaluation.

For signed copies, Visit the Shop at Socrates in the City or call New Life Bookstore and ask for Rich: (718) 739-0707.

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The Is Atheism Dead? Study Guide is now available! Click here for more details and to order your copy today!

“Probably the most important book I’ve read in the last 25 years. It’s a great summary of the discoveries in archeology and science and helping us see how all the advances in those areas really support gospel and Biblical teaching.”

PETER ALWINSON, Executive Director of FORGE and founding pastor of Willow Creek Presbyterian Church

“With great oratorical skill and irrepressible humor, Metaxas engages lay readers with the story of how recent discoveries have made atheism scientifically, historically, and philosophically untenable.”

HUGH ROSS, Ph.D., astrophysicist and founder and president of Reasons to Believe

“When Eric Metaxas comes out with a new book, I have a problem: I know I will have to read it. I have read all his books—because I learn an immense amount from them and because they are difficult to put down. This latest book features Metaxas versus atheism. It’s not a fair fight. Read Is Atheism Dead? and you’ll understand why.”

DENNIS PRAGER, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, founder of Prager University, and bestselling author

“Is Atheism Dead? displays the wonders of the universe, the chemistry of life, the vast archaeological evidence, and the thoughts and writings of great thinkers. . . . Yet another all-engaging Metaxas book.”

JAMES M. TOUR, Ph.D., professor of chemistry, computer science, materials science, and nanoengineering at Rice University